Where Peace Begins? Program Directors lead the song.

Group Photo & Line of VIP
Global Peace Festival 2008
in Minami Kyushu Region 11
By: Dell Villareal
MIYAZAKI CITY – The Mini Global Peace Festival Orientation was held in this City on October 13, 2008. Sponsored by the Filipino-Japanese Movement for Global Peace with the cooperation of International families from Malaysia and Africa living in Miyazaki prefecture, together we worked hand in
hand aiming to have a successful festival in this region.
The FJMGP Kagoshima together with their guests travelled for about two and half hours by bus before reaching the venue at around 10 A.M. It was headed by our regional coordinator MS. JANET ARIMA and staffs; MS. ROSE NINOMIYA, MS. & MRS. LENLEN IWASA and the one and only MR. & MRS. WILLY MENDOZA. We really would like to express our gratitude to our partners in Kagoshima, who contributed a great participation and many sacrifices for this event. We would like to acknowledge too the presence of their guest; MS. NECIE REZOL who offered a very heartfelt prayer that touched the bottom heart of everyone, the group of MR. BRIAN SERNO who presented a Filipino talent in folk dancing that I believe not only entertaining but educational in the sense to help the viewers to know more about Filipino cultures, and of course we are honored by the presence of the vice president for the “Samahan ng mga Filipina sa Japan” Madam Mary Hira, we are also thankful to the president of the YFWP in Kagoshima MR. YOSHINOBU WATANABE and to all of their friends who patiently present until the program over. Thanks to all of you.
The venue of the event was at the Miyazaki Shimin Plaza. This is one of the newest building and very famous one in this prefecture because it was named under the name of Madam MADELINE ALBRIGHT, the former Secretary of the United States of America.

We are always free. Free to think, judge or interpret.
Believe in peace. Look deeply into everything. Use freedom Don’t
He delivered his speech in bilingual because there are non English speaking people present. So it became a lengthy speech. But I’m sure he had been able to share the vision and the deep desire of Hyun Jin Nim why do we hold a Global Peace Festival.
Our one doctor guest commented that the goal of GPF is amusing and it brings a great hope for this nation. And therefore, he is asking us if what would be the incoming project or activity that the FJMGP will be going to undertake, he is willing to support and participate.
In the afternoon after the event, he spent lot of time talking with other guest. Maybe he felt that everyone is longing to have him more talk so he suggested that we can gather in the church and have dinner together. Instead of going to a restaurant with only few number of members to be there I asked permission in the church to allow us to have a gathering there. It was really a wonderful day with him to hear his experience and testimony.
Almost 10:00 pm when our meeting was finished. All of us are in convoy went to his accommodation. He was really so happy because of our warm accompany. Upon reaching the hotel porch in his small voice, why here, it’s a big hotel; he said. It was a 5 stars hotel here in Miyazaki. Before we left him we gave the honorarium but he was resisting not to get it, because he said he didn’t come for that purpose. But he later he accepted it because we explain that it was a very little expression of gratitude by all members.
And to all guest and friends
in Minami Kyushu Region 11
By: Dell Villareal
MIYAZAKI CITY – The Mini Global Peace Festival Orientation was held in this City on October 13, 2008. Sponsored by the Filipino-Japanese Movement for Global Peace with the cooperation of International families from Malaysia and Africa living in Miyazaki prefecture, together we worked hand in
hand aiming to have a successful festival in this region.
The FJMGP Kagoshima together with their guests travelled for about two and half hours by bus before reaching the venue at around 10 A.M. It was headed by our regional coordinator MS. JANET ARIMA and staffs; MS. ROSE NINOMIYA, MS. & MRS. LENLEN IWASA and the one and only MR. & MRS. WILLY MENDOZA. We really would like to express our gratitude to our partners in Kagoshima, who contributed a great participation and many sacrifices for this event. We would like to acknowledge too the presence of their guest; MS. NECIE REZOL who offered a very heartfelt prayer that touched the bottom heart of everyone, the group of MR. BRIAN SERNO who presented a Filipino talent in folk dancing that I believe not only entertaining but educational in the sense to help the viewers to know more about Filipino cultures, and of course we are honored by the presence of the vice president for the “Samahan ng mga Filipina sa Japan” Madam Mary Hira, we are also thankful to the president of the YFWP in Kagoshima MR. YOSHINOBU WATANABE and to all of their friends who patiently present until the program over. Thanks to all of you.
The venue of the event was at the Miyazaki Shimin Plaza. This is one of the newest building and very famous one in this prefecture because it was named under the name of Madam MADELINE ALBRIGHT, the former Secretary of the United States of America.

Miyazaki Shimin Plaza
I think the Region 11, Minami Kyushu Global Peace Festival is a very special event to all of us involved. It was so special because the result was beyond to our expectation. And I think it is not because of our efforts, not because of someone efforts but it was because of the love and guidance of God above all. It was really incredible time during the period of preparation. How to begin and where to start and who will take responsible to sacrifice their time and most specially financial matters was the primary concerns of everyone when we had our first survey to have this event in this region. There are lot of ideas and opinions but no one would like to stand to lead the group. It was really a great challenge to all of us because the fact that we are all inexperience to have this kind of event. We are all, a kind of, just an ordinary member, and just know how to follow only what the leader says to do so. But in this time we need to stand up with our own foot. It was really like a gamble. Here in our prefecture of Miyazaki, there are four Blessed Filipino Japanese Couples; Adelmo Dell Villareal family, Ernesto Ernie Lina Family, Reginaldino Dino Fabro family and Marlon Edjic family. For the Filipina Japanese Couples; we have Lalaine Imamura family, and Adie Kukita family. For the Malaysian Couple; we have only one Gek Ling family. And for African couples; we have Connie Hidaka family from Miyakonojo City, Maurice Kanungu and Nthala family from Kobayashi City. Because of distance to one another we have had difficulty in meeting to one place. So most of the time thru phones, fax and emails we communicate to one another. I remember one story of misunderstanding in our communication between members of Miyazaki and Kobayashi. As I am the one who stand responsible in sending a written info and communication to all members, I was misunderstood by the wife of African member in Kobayashi, suspecting me that I am building a new group for Miyazaki. But it was good it was reported to a proper person and finally the issue was resolved.
Actually, the period of preparation was really very short, considering that we are all very busy too to our personal job. The target was to have the event on October and we just got the notice on the middle week of August.
I would like to go on reporting in this way with the purpose of giving you a real picture how we able to grow, struggle, learn, and overcome our shortcomings. I know that I am not also a good writer and really afraid with my grammar and English words. I would certainly be expecting that even in our group I have the feeling that they aren’t satisfied with my report. I was actually asking them to give their personal evaluation, a kind of, reflection on the recent festival, so that everyone has the chance to talk about his own feelings. But I can’t wait longer so I decided to give my own story, based on the experience I personally encountered before, during and after the event. This is my personal view and opinion and I am ready to face any comment or accusation in all accounts to what I have reported here. Actually, I am not the supposed person to give report because on the meeting it was assigned to our Sister Rose Ninomiya for this reporting responsibility as the group secretariat. In fairness to Sister Rose, she sent me a notice for sometime after the event that she cannot make the report for the whole group because she has another thing to look after that requires time.
Actually, the period of preparation was really very short, considering that we are all very busy too to our personal job. The target was to have the event on October and we just got the notice on the middle week of August.
I would like to go on reporting in this way with the purpose of giving you a real picture how we able to grow, struggle, learn, and overcome our shortcomings. I know that I am not also a good writer and really afraid with my grammar and English words. I would certainly be expecting that even in our group I have the feeling that they aren’t satisfied with my report. I was actually asking them to give their personal evaluation, a kind of, reflection on the recent festival, so that everyone has the chance to talk about his own feelings. But I can’t wait longer so I decided to give my own story, based on the experience I personally encountered before, during and after the event. This is my personal view and opinion and I am ready to face any comment or accusation in all accounts to what I have reported here. Actually, I am not the supposed person to give report because on the meeting it was assigned to our Sister Rose Ninomiya for this reporting responsibility as the group secretariat. In fairness to Sister Rose, she sent me a notice for sometime after the event that she cannot make the report for the whole group because she has another thing to look after that requires time.
The Reception Table
There are many things we discovered during those days that we really can treasure in our life time. We cannot forget how we able to prepare all things on time and what were the enormous hassles we had been encountered. Choosing the venue for the event is somewhat not easy too. But after long discussion and very tiring visit in many places makes more memorable to us. Another one is in getting a speaker. This is another long tale until we finally get one. I was personally very sorry to our beloved Kuya Raffy Ablong, because after I got his final confirmation that he will be our keynote speaker, suddenly I was informed that the FJMGP Tokyo is going to send one great speaker to Miyazaki. A person who is closed to Hyun Jin Nim as his translator and ambassador for peace to Japan is coming to Miyazaki for free transportation and accommodation. I was speechless when I knew this news since I already made an arrangement with Kuya Raffy. I told them that I can’t approach Kuya Raffy if the idea is to change him. I would rather to be out in the frontline if they insist it to do. The following day comes I got a call from Kuya Raffy; “I’m FREE Adel”, this is what his greeting was. When I checked this to our team I have found out the full story. The president of the FJMGP made a phone call to Kuya Raffy directly to tell him the real situation. Anyway, I salute him for his matured heart to understand things.

Ernie & Dino and the Japanese Medley
I hope I did not exagerate stories and wrong information. But really I can’t imagine the heart of Sister Janet who was responsible in dealing with Tokyo FJMGP about the transportation process for our guest speaker. The group was actually informed very clearly that the guest can come here with a free transportation and accommodation. We absolutely rely to this offer and we really very thankful to them. When the time comes that we need to follow up, it was no longer the same story. It was completely changed. She was then being asked to shoulder the whole travelling expenses. But lately her requests for a half portion payment for the ticket to be shoulder by Tokyo was approved. It was granted and we appreciate it. The only sad memories left was the unexpected words that she heard, that if we can’t bear the travel cost we have to cancel his trip schedule to Miyazaki. Is that just simple as it was to say such words?
Well, that was really sometimes happen. We really need to grow more and to become a person with well rounded personality in all sorts of circumstances.
Well, that was really sometimes happen. We really need to grow more and to become a person with well rounded personality in all sorts of circumstances.
Janet Arima/Dr. Geoffrey Mark Paul/Chief Priest Douki Mihara
Dr. Geoffrey Mark Paul says:
We are always free. Free to think, judge or interpret.
Believe in peace. Look deeply into everything. Use freedom Don’t
judge and peace will rise from your heart. Everything you experience
will then be peace .
We were in for a real treat on that day. Our guest speaker was a man who has been the driving force behind the GPF project for almost many years. He is the person who knows the whole history of how we got to where we were on that day; the stories, the challenges and the little known secrets. Not only that but he’s a very entertaining speaker. To tell you about his brief biography, he was born in Tsu on the year 1974. As the first son of Kobayashi family he was named after a general, ruled this era in Edo period. Takatora Todo. After graduating Tsu High School, where he spent 4 years in Teikyo Science University, located at the very edge of Yamanashi prefecture. He studied computer programming.
Ambassador for Peace to Japan

Ambassador for Peace to Japan

Mr. Kobayashi has arrived early on the day of October 13th. We took him at first to Miyazaki Church for him to see and meet the Miyazaki church members. He was then escorted by another member when they come to the venue.
He delivered his speech in bilingual because there are non English speaking people present. So it became a lengthy speech. But I’m sure he had been able to share the vision and the deep desire of Hyun Jin Nim why do we hold a Global Peace Festival.
Our one doctor guest commented that the goal of GPF is amusing and it brings a great hope for this nation. And therefore, he is asking us if what would be the incoming project or activity that the FJMGP will be going to undertake, he is willing to support and participate.
In the afternoon after the event, he spent lot of time talking with other guest. Maybe he felt that everyone is longing to have him more talk so he suggested that we can gather in the church and have dinner together. Instead of going to a restaurant with only few number of members to be there I asked permission in the church to allow us to have a gathering there. It was really a wonderful day with him to hear his experience and testimony.
Almost 10:00 pm when our meeting was finished. All of us are in convoy went to his accommodation. He was really so happy because of our warm accompany. Upon reaching the hotel porch in his small voice, why here, it’s a big hotel; he said. It was a 5 stars hotel here in Miyazaki. Before we left him we gave the honorarium but he was resisting not to get it, because he said he didn’t come for that purpose. But he later he accepted it because we explain that it was a very little expression of gratitude by all members.
M. Theresa Kodama/Maria Akikaki/Imamura's Angels
The winners on the raffle draw.
Ms. Connie Hidaka for her closing remarks.
Subli Dance performance from Kagoshima.
Mr. Hideki Kawano in his short message to all.
Special Thanks to:
Mr. WonTaek Moon
Mr. Masumoto Masaru
Mr. Dong Ho Kim
Janet Arima
Rose Ninomiya
Lenlen Iwasa
Willy Mendoza
Connie Hidaka
Kouji Inoue
Gek Ling Inoue
Tomoaki Kawano
Ernie Lina
Megumi Lina
Dino Fabro
Momoyo Fabro
Kazuhiko Kukita
Adie Kukita
Shinichi Imamura
Lalaine Imamura
Yumiko Toyama
Okasaki San
Etsuko Villareal
Fukunaga San
Yanagimoto San
Uchimura San
North Area Church UC
Central Church UC
Kagoshima UC
Special Thanks to
Dr. Allan Cadano who inspired me from the beginning of our planning.
Prof. Raffy Ablong who gave me advices during our preparation.
And to all guest and friends
May God be bless Us!!!
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