Friday, April 25, 2008

Grade II Sankambi (April 25, 2008)

Today is Kenji's Class sankambi. I and his mother had went to their school to witness their class. We arrived there at almost 2:00 p.m. Kenji had noticed our arrival and I feel he is a bit concious if we are looking at him. He knows that in the afternoon when we meet I'm going to tell him my observation during their class. That is why in everytime the teacher raise question he also participate in raising his hand. Once his name was also called, he got the right answer but my comment was his voice is a little bit little and cannot be hear clearly around the class.

Right after the sankambi I brought my wife back to her job. The I went back to school for Kenji to take him to their bus going to swimming club. I go straight to Izumiya for my books at amigo store then to Deo Deo and bought there a set of Printer ink.

This is our day!!!

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